14 July 2009

Okay, I have to share the latest havoc wreaked by the Terrible Two. :)

Some background: I almost always eat at my desk, working or reading on my computer as I eat.

More background: My Terrible Two are very playful little guys who seem to think their mommy should share her meals with them.

At lunch time today, they were playing in the living room, so I thought I could have a peaceful lunch. I made my salad, grabbed a diet sodie, and headed for my desk.

Just as I sat down, I heard the pitter-patter of eight galloping feet, and here came the Terrible Two, around the corner, up over the second shelf of the bookcase, over the top of the cart with the kitty beds on it, over the top of the cart with the TV on it, where they then skidded onto my desk and right *INTO* my salad ~ knocking my newly opened diet sodie into Kingdom Come.


They seemed to enjoy licking the Ranch dressing off themselves and each other as I was washing them with a wet washcloth. Fortunately the Diet Sunkist didn't stain anything of any major importance.

I should have known that chaos would ensue as soon as I tried to eat healthier food. Deviating from the usual crapioca that I eat has only upset the natural order of the universe.

And in the future, I think I will eat standing at the kitchen counter. :)

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