05 July 2009

Except for the summers when I lost my daddy and mama, this summer has been the worst and most disappointing ever. I won't bore you with the reasons why, but I will tell you that having the Terrible Two around in addition to their big-kitty siblings has been the salvation of my summer.

No matter how dismal and worrisome things have gotten, I find tremendous joy in watching my fuzzy family play and romp and interact. And when I need a hug or some loving, I don't have to look too far before I have a lapful of furry, purring affection.

I realize that I have reached my limit of kitties now. When my friend Patty has accused me of being a kitty hoarder, I have always said that a person isn't hoarding so long as she can afford to care for the kitties that she has. Well, I have reached that limit ~ my budget has stretched as far as it can go with six kitties now. However, I had planned to stop two kitties ago. I'm glad I didn't. Though the Terrible Two have required more attention, care, and expense than most new kittens, I wouldn't trade either of them for a bajillion dollars now.

One of my friends has also been coping with blues wrought by a crappy summer and even crappier economy. She and her husband already have two pampered kitties, and I recommended to her what I am recommending to you now: Visit your local animal shelter and adopt another kitty or two ~ or a dog if that is your preference. Shelters are bursting at the seams now because so many people are surrendering pets because of money problems. However, my thought is to open your pocketbook and your heart a little wider to bring another pet or two into your household. *Love* is the most powerful force in the universe, and goodness knows we need as much of it we can get. I can guarantee that watching your pet play and receiving his/her expressions of love will do more to perk up this dismal time in our history than all the other therapy in the world.

Your new addition doesn't have to be a kitten or puppy if you're not into that intensive training thing. Older kitties and puppies need love, too.

Give what I'm saying some thought, okay? My animal rescues happened to be in my own back yard, but you will probably need to make the trip to a local animal shelter. Many animal shelters will help you with costs of shots or neutering as part of the deal for your taking home a new loved one.

Then send me pictures and your pets' stories, and I will post them here.

We may not have much money these days, but we always have love to give, right? And it's an investment that will *always* give you huge dividends in return. :)

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