26 March 2007

Hmmm ~ I wonder ~ will that work for me, too??? Have I mentioned how much I hate a low-sodium diet???

22 March 2007

I am *SO* ready for spring ~ so my good friend Melinda sent me this adorable spring kitty picture to use on my desktop at school. This is definitely my favorite time of year! My lilacs will be blooming soon ~ baseball season will be starting soon ~ and all will be mostly right with the world ~ as soon as I can walk properly! :)

Another sign of spring: methinks one of the stray kitties my neighbor and I feed is *in the family way.* Although I would love kittens, Elly and I are over-extended on kitty feeding now. I had *The Talk* with all the little-girl strays, but something tells me they didn't listen too well! Anyone out there need a kitten???

15 March 2007

Here I am again ~ apologizing for my blogging negligence. However, school in particular and life in general has been too much with me lately.

I am now with another foot doctor because my foot just was *NOT* improving ~ contrary to what Dr. N---- was telling me. I returned to my GP, Dr. M-----, who referred me to Dr. B------ in Centralia. Something was indeed very wrong with my foot ~ part of it a *result* of Dr. N----'s treatment. The two cortisone shots he gave me too closely together (in time) have compromised my Achilles tendon. I have other inflamed tendons, too, and *a joint that looks like crap* ~ Dr. B------'s words there. :) He has me on a super-duper anti-inflammatory now, and I have been getting ultrasound treatments to my ankle and foot. I also have to wear a boot cast ~ photo appearing with this post. *AND* I have to restrict my salt/sodium intake to reduce the edema in my leg. The boot is a pain in the tookus to wear, and I am hating the diet. Everything I had eaten regularly is on the no-no list for a low-sodium diet. However, my foot is so much improved, and my blood pressure is better than it's ever been, so I will persevere. Eventually I will have to wear an ankle brace, but it will be less cumbersome than the boot. Let this be a lesson to us all: beware of foot doctors who want to cortisone you twice within a couple of weeks ~ no matter how good-looking they happen to be!