15 March 2007

Here I am again ~ apologizing for my blogging negligence. However, school in particular and life in general has been too much with me lately.

I am now with another foot doctor because my foot just was *NOT* improving ~ contrary to what Dr. N---- was telling me. I returned to my GP, Dr. M-----, who referred me to Dr. B------ in Centralia. Something was indeed very wrong with my foot ~ part of it a *result* of Dr. N----'s treatment. The two cortisone shots he gave me too closely together (in time) have compromised my Achilles tendon. I have other inflamed tendons, too, and *a joint that looks like crap* ~ Dr. B------'s words there. :) He has me on a super-duper anti-inflammatory now, and I have been getting ultrasound treatments to my ankle and foot. I also have to wear a boot cast ~ photo appearing with this post. *AND* I have to restrict my salt/sodium intake to reduce the edema in my leg. The boot is a pain in the tookus to wear, and I am hating the diet. Everything I had eaten regularly is on the no-no list for a low-sodium diet. However, my foot is so much improved, and my blood pressure is better than it's ever been, so I will persevere. Eventually I will have to wear an ankle brace, but it will be less cumbersome than the boot. Let this be a lesson to us all: beware of foot doctors who want to cortisone you twice within a couple of weeks ~ no matter how good-looking they happen to be!

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