29 June 2009

Would you believe that today I want to talk about pumpkin power? And it's not even Halloween or Thanksgiving. :)

However, in my Internet ramblings, I have discovered that pure pureed pumpkin is an almost miraculous digestive aid for kitties ~ and puppies, too.

This tip is from www.pets.ca:

Tip 75 - Pumpkin for cats - pumpkin for dogs - Pumpkin for diarrhea or constipation

If your dog or cat is having the occasional case of constipation or diarrhea, one of the things that might help is canned pumpkin. Yes canned pumpkin in its pureed form (NOT pumpkin pie filling) is a fantastic stool softener which makes it a good natural remedy for constipation. It often helps with upset stomach or indigestion for both cats and dogs. It is very rich in fibre and adding just one or two teaspoonfuls to your pet's food often gets the system moving in no time. Dogs will occasionally want to eat it directly and that's fine too. Sometimes though, finicky cats and dogs won't touch it no matter what you do.

On the opposite end of things is diarrhea. Since the dietary fibre in canned pumpkin absorbs water, it can be a great help to a cat or dog that has diarrhea. Some pet owners report that it firms up their pet's loose stools or diarrhea within a few hours. Again one to two teaspoonfuls is all that is needed.

N.B. It should be noted that both diarrhea and constipation can both be very serious and require immediate veterinary care depending on the cause. Whatever the cause, diarrhea or constipation lasting more than 24-36 hours requires vet care.

Since Trey has had some serious pooie problems, I have used the pumpkin successfully. Another site said that the pumpkin, administered weekly, also deters furballs, so I plan to add it to all my kitties' food.

Yet another tip recommended freezing the pumpkin in usable amounts by making pumpkin twisties out of plastic wrap or using baby food jars for larger amounts.

Who would have thought that something that looks amazingly like orange poo itself could be so useful? :)


Emmie Jean said...

Ya know darlin, I bought a can of pumpkin puree the other day becuz Einie's been having some digestive problems again, but I've yet to open it. Have you tasted that stuff? It's NASTY without all the sugar and spices! I know this from last fall when I was making pumpkin martinis and just happened to lick a spoon with some puree on it. But, then again as jeffie says, we're talking about critters who lick their butts! LOL :) Maybe today I'll open it.

Vikki L. Jeanne Cleveland said...

I like my pumpkin with a pie around it, too. :) However, this puree stuff seems to help Trey. Of course, I have it mixed with Fancy Feast tuna, so he may not even know what the pumpkin puree really tastes like. A spoonful of tuna makes the medicine go down! :)

Emmie Jean said...

I *did* open the can yesterday and think it might be helping Einie! :) ... we'll see if it (hopefully) continues. And he didn't seem to mind the taste when I mixed it in with some canned kitty food. Now, darlin... you need to share on your blog about massaging the scruff on kitties' necks... jeffie and I found that fascinating! I haven't tried it yet but plan to the next time Lola sits in my lap. She loves to be scratched but we'll see if this new technique puts her to sleep! :)... btw...no...I didn't get your response to my post yesterday... Comcast is awful and I really don't trust ever getting any email thru them!...grrrrrrrrr...